Feeling sentimental for the mountains this Monday, in the United States. No reason, just a place to land.
It’s Inauguration Day and Martin Luther King Jr Day. Many things for many people, all at once. Isn’t this the way life is, the ugly/beauty of fullness, both/and? I’m not too worried or caught up in what may or may not happen in the next four years. There are going to be so many distractions. Some of them well meaning others most definitely not. Both, keeping us from being effective in our discourse with each other..
The biggest thing any of us can hold to is this—that many people in the US are struggling, that kindness and conversation are key, and that this too will pass, just like it has before. Acknowledge change and hope simultaneously. Easy peasy, right? I wish. But when we’re at the bottom of a big bucket of feelings, we should seek out logic, seek out information. And, let’s remember these well known words:
“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.”
― Martin Luther King Jr