Southwest of Los Alamos, NM
Life on Earth
We’ve run away with possibilities and can’t see the utopia we already have.
We can’t see that we’re destroying it.
Or if we can, for whatever reason,
none of which I’ve heard is good enough
we don’t care.
that ludicrous display last night!
The AURORA, from North Washington.
My partner has an app that alerts to these events. I can't tell you how many times we’ve had the conversation where there would be an aurora, but it’d be too cloudy to see anything. PNW FTW.
Last night though, we were given the most incredible hours long gift.
I went for overcast skies and when I got to the end of the trail, the sun came out. Take from that what you will :-)
St. Patricks, 2015
Right on the cusp of summer,
as if nature knows what follows, and comes out veins blazing.
a note on the sky
Pressure is a privilege- Billie Jean King
That wanderlust..
creeping in like cinema.
Give me something different.
Idaho’s answer to the Bliss of Windows XP.
Hold me to some sort of formulaic space
A fluidity contained and moving, but not evaporated.
I don’t like the air. I won’t go.
Wooden memories in the mist, until I find myself there again.
zen moment
Seeking a quiet frame to get lost in.
Fear of Spiders
I didn’t understand, and because of that I couldn’t see you.
All I knew was the current of fear, a choice to be swept up in this lack of rationality.
Missing the complexity, my large body terrified of your small one,
your entire existence gone in one decisive moment.
How powerful I was. How afraid.
Clouds & Cream
Unbeknownst to him, my internet friend named this photo “Clouds & Cream”. Thank you Om! An excellent photographer and artist, who I continue to be inspired by.
Emergent Agency
Wild emerges with no permission.. this recklessness makes the season. I can’t help but be in awe.
There are some conservationists who are opposed to fishing and hunting, but I’m sorry, they are not thinking it through. In order to transpose mere interest into passionate love requires proactive behavior. The road is an uphill one because today’s youth of the digital world are raised with offers of passive, instant gratification. Can a person raised in that environment ever fish all day without a bite? Maybe it should be mandatory for schools to provide environmental study from grade one in which there is no computer involved, or any other electronic visual aide, only calm, analytical conversation mixed in with visits to if not wild places at least rural ones.
― Yvon Chouinard
Food for thought, from the quietly-provoking Chouinard.
Spark Vignettes
A few weeks ago we took our kiddos to a museum in Bellingham, Spark Museum of Electrical Invention. I couldn’t help but shoot a few frames in this wonderful little museum. Electricity, this invisible force all around us, is pretty incredible. The fact we humans found a way to harness it (through diligence, bravery, and at times, stupidity) is certainly awe-inducing. If you struggle to agree, maybe visit this place. It’ll cure you of your ignorant apathy. ;-) Make sure to go on a weekend for the cherry on your trip’s sunday.
This certainly was the cherry on my trip’s Sunday:
Wanderlust # 5- 1 Palm 1 Year
A palm tree in Florida, on our 1 year wedding anniversary.
Ending with this one because I see glimpses of my current photography style just making their debut. At the time, I didn’t feel super creative, but we all have to learn where to tell our inner critics to go, don’t we?
Hope you’ve enjoyed the visual archive this week, thanks for traveling with me🫶🏻
Somewhere in North Carolina, 2011
Wanderlust #4- A Single Serving of Mountain
Will there be bugs?
Will there be humidity?
Will there be gorgeous views, lines, curves predating us humans?
You betcha.
Wanderlust #3- New Year, New York
Dear Reader,
There’s nothing quite like NYC at New Years. Add staying at a friend’s empty apartment in the East Village, your partner gifting you Phantom of the Opera tickets, listening, nay, feeling, music at the Vanguard, plus a sprinkling of interesting subway rides, and you’ve got yourself a great way to ring in 2012. This post is practically oozing with nostalgia for me..
the sounds,
the smells (maybe not),
the protests!
Yours truly,
Insufferable in 4:6 😉
Was it even New York, did you even go, if you didn’t take this picture?