"Have you ever held a snake? They are so strong. You can see why there are so many myths about them: they are unlike any other creature. It's extraordinary how that little brain can keep everything moving in different directions."
- Michelle Paver
Creature #1
"What we see before us is just one tiny part of the world. We get in the habit of thinking, this is the world, but that's not true at all. The real world is a much darker and deeper place than this, and much of it is occupied by jellyfish and things We just happen to to forget all that. Don't you agree? Two-thirds of earth's surface is ocean, and all we can see with the naked eye is the surface: the skin."
- Haruki Murakami
Red, existing in extremes,
unable to be anything but itself.
Commanding passionately at the far end of this visible spectrum.
the not quite red
speedy, playful,
a fervent Finncoming.
(this guy’s name is Finn. He embodies the color orange)
Yellow was a concept
Vastly misunderstood,
So explosive, engulfing,
That riding its expanse felt more scary than thrilling.
It’s opposites were soft and quiet and gentle
Yellow offered paradoxal ending promise of the same
If the color could be survived.
It seems very safe to me to be surrounded by green growing things and water. -Barbara Kingsolve
A simple kind of blue,
Collected, released, dispersed.
Allowed to exist in many states, and not end.
Blue feels hopeful. Blue feels… simply eternal.
Even when things around are complicatedly finite.
Floral Dreams
the simplicity and beauty of a poppy in full bloom
Mountains as the backdrop of a lake, or a small tide pool? ;-)
these beautiful things that I’ve got
Summer Rise
descended like a daze on my mind
a shapeshifting todo list,
a lack of clarity…
but at least, a capacity for color.
Something a bit different, from a styled shoot I was invited to back in April.
an act of rebellion
Have you brought forth anything into the world lately? A dramatic question 😆 but come on, what did you expect?
One of my photographs was mentioned on a podcast a while back, and Jason ended with suggesting that the photo inspired him to ask the question- what could he make? What would his own self-portrait be like? It was the kind of question that made me really happy… the idea that our act of creation can beget curiosity, one of human kind’s great attributes.
The world feels like a distracted, destructive, consumptive mess. Inspiring work, ideas, kindness, connection is a direct rebellion of this tangle. It’s a rebellion I can get behind, and hope to continue being a part of. Thanks so much to the 3x2 podcast for the feature.
Mono Trio
On top of a mountain, somewhere in the PNW, January 2024
Along the highway, June.
the catastrophe
Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern. ― Frank O'Hara
Pretending I was
Across the sky
Riding clouds of thunder
Till the weight of collected burdens
Dropped me.
And I on the ground,
No longer light
But clinging wet and heavy to the earth
Till time separated me and
I was light Enough
to rise and pretend again.
I’m off next week to hopefully find fresh scenes and a fresh perspective. My girls just wrapped up the school year, and a little extra space and time to transition into summer is what I’m taking. I’m sure I’ll be shooting photos and resisting the urge to post them all.
Have a great weekend and subsequent week!
Archived Daisies
2021, Rental House in Bellingham
Something audacious about making this image monochrome, when the sky was the brightest blue, and the greens, shocking. We find little acts of rebellion everywhere ;-)
Archived Mountains
2021, North Cascades