Don’t lose it. This feeling. This enchantment of the heart.
In honor of the weird, original, and legendary David Lynch, who passed this week.
Be in Peace.
Don’t lose it. This feeling. This enchantment of the heart.
In honor of the weird, original, and legendary David Lynch, who passed this week.
Be in Peace.
I’m learning something about the trees in January,
So quiet, yet so alive.
a million tiny movements, imperceptible but important.
Acceptance in all stages,
Purpose, no matter how small.
We act in our own best interests when we…let them guide us, because in the eyes of those reflective, open hearted creatures, we can never be too joyful, too beautiful, too free.
-Linda Kohanov
Sessions like this are at the heart of why I love photography. Connection, nature, camaraderie, and golden light. All of it good for the soul of both the photographer and the subject, no matter what either is going through. Beyond grateful to have spent this evening with these two.
Yellow & Blue
and misty days till 2…
Is there a living in art?
what is forward? who knows! there is only forward, and together