My aunt couldn’t be held down. She was a person who, no matter what life threw at her, met it with an honest smile, and unwavering strength.
She was the kind of person who could get away with laughing at a funeral. In fact, one of my favorite memories of her is just that. Sitting with her, witnessing her soft jokes, her good nature cut through the despair in the room. She could do it. Not everyone can.
She had her share of misfortune. She buried a child, buried her husband. She never made loads of money, or experienced massive critical acclaim for accomplishments. Yet somehow, I think of her as one of the happiest people I knew. A consistent force of warmth, a renewable resource of encouragement. Always ready to pick herself up, and lift those around her too. Unflappable. Genuine. Optimistic.
I’m going to miss her sweet southern draw, her ability to bust a move, her lack of concern for what anyone thought about her, her hugs.. the way she called everyone “baby.” I’m going to miss her laugh. It accompanied her everywhere. Things will be too quiet now.
My heart goes out to the many currently experiencing loss.